We The People, Brentwood Branch, Opened June 1, 2006 by Concord We The People Owner, Olivia Moore-Wraa
Released on = January 2, 2007, 9:13 pm
Press Release Author = Paula Barker
Industry = Law
Press Release Summary = New Brentwood Store Manager, Leanne Rodriguez, Enhances The Business With Her 25-Year Plus Legal Experience and New Focus on Living Trusts
Press Release Body = Brentwood, CA - for immediate release - We the People Concord owner Olivia Moore-Wraa announced her acquisition of the Brentwood, California We The People store, located at 8395 A Brentwood Boulevard. The store opened on June 1, 2006 with Leanne Rodriguez as store manager. Her extensive legal work included 18 years directly under an attorney.
Because We The People Corporate has decided to reduce the line of services to focus on its strongest products, such as living trust, divorce, incorporation and deeds, Rodriguez' emphasis will be on living trusts, primarily to explain to customers the benefits a living trust and how it differs from a will.
A trust may be created at death (through a will) or, a trust may be created while the customer is still alive (a living trust). A will is a statement by an individual that directs the distribution of wealth following death. Wealth is a relative term, describing all that has been accumulated during a lifetime. A will allows decision-making control over who gets what and also, how and when they are to receive it. Wills however, are subject to probate. Probate is a court-directed review process of the will, its validity and how it can be enforced.
At death, most property must pass through probate before it can be inherited. However, property held in a trust does not. This is why most people prepare a living trust-to avoid probate. Customers can be trustees of their own living trusts to allows them to maintain control of their property.
Ms. Rodriguez can be reached at 925-513-2106 or wtpbrentwood@sbcglobal.net to discuss living trusts, or other legal documents. Visit the We The People Brentwood website at www.wethepeoplebrentwood.com.
About We The People� - Concord, California We The People� are Pro Se ("for yourself") bonded legal document assistants who specialize in helping people represent themselves where there is an uncontested legal issue. We The People - Concord is a computerized, legal document preparation service whose goal is to provide the finest, most accurate legal document service available for the most reasonable price. Visit We The People - Concord online at www.wethepeopleconcord.com.
Web Site = http://www.wethepeopleconcord.com
Contact Details = We The People� - Concord 4474 Treat Boulevard Concord, CA 94521 Phone: 925-246-0370 Contact Person: Olivia Moore Wraa, wethepeopleconcord@sbcglobal.net Website URL: www.wethepeopleconcord.com
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